We are developing and distributing following software.
Gtags C - source code browser
Gtags C is a MacOS Apps, a viewer easily browsing source code of C language. Currently under development.
GNU Global source code tag system
GNU Global is a source code tagging system which make hacking and review of a complicated and huge system easy by making indexes on its source code. You can also generate hypertext of the whole source tree. GNU Global is part of GNU operating system and adopted as a standard tagging system of FreeBSD .
It is available in the following environment:
- Shell command line
- Bash
- various vi clones (nvi,elvis,vim)
- Emacs editor (emacs, mule, xemacs)
- Glimmer editor
- Less viewer
- various web browsers
- Doxygen documentation system
File path name conversion tool
PathConvert is a set of utilities which make conversion between an absolute path name and a relative path name. At present, it is a part of File:Spec library of perl and libpathconv library of FreeBSD.
- C
- Perl
Perl license, FreeBSD license ...
Rireki-sho style file for LaTeX
Rireki-sho style file is a style file for LaTeX to generate personal history. Putting necessary items once, re-generation of your personal history is possible.
FreeBSD license